Blueberry Pancake

by Justin


·         ¾ cup milk

·         1 tablespoon white vinegar

·         1 tablespoon vanilla essence

·         ½ lemon juice[SP1] 

·         1 cup flour

·         1 teaspoon baking powder

·         ½ teaspoon baking soda

·         ½ teaspoon salt

·         1 egg

·         2 tablespoons melted butter

·         2 tablespoons sugar

·         1 cup fresh blueberries

·         cream cheese for between the pancakes


1.      Mix the dry ingredients.

2.      Add the wet ingredients and mix well.

3.      Fold in the blueberries.

4.      Spoon into a warm pan and turn once ready.

5.      Take off the heat and enjoy with blueberry jam or honey.

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