From academia to entrepreneurship – Michele Serfontein, Ocean Basket Franchisee

by Tia

Nestled in the picturesque Western Cape seaside town of Hermanus, Michele and Gideon Serfontein’s Ocean Basket restaurant is a reminder that it’s never too late to pursue your passion, embrace change and take a bold step into the future.

Michele’s journey from academia to entrepreneurship began with a simple yet profound realisation: the approach of her 50th birthday was not just a milestone but an opportunity for transformation: “Turning 50 was a magical number for me,” she reflects. “It was a moment for my husband and I to decide what we truly wanted out of life. Our happy place has always been Hermanus, a place where we spent many holidays. So, we thought, why wait until retirement? Why not establish ourselves there while we’re still young and full of energy?”

Michele and her husband, a finance professional, were determined to find a business venture that would sustain them in their favourite coastal town. Initially, they considered opening a bed and breakfast, however, the prospect of constantly having strangers in their home was daunting. It was then that an unexpected opportunity presented itself: a local business broker introduced them to the idea of owning an Ocean Basket restaurant.

“My initial reaction was, ‘No, I don’t want to run a restaurant,'” Michele admits with a laugh. “But my husband, ever the astute businessman, saw the potential. He’s the reliable, steadfast one, while I’m the one who loves new challenges. We complement each other perfectly.”

After some deliberation, they took the plunge and in 2018, officially became a part of the Ocean Basket family. The transition was not without its challenges:  “What we didn’t realise was the extensive process involved; we had to undergo rigorous training and meet numerous franchise requirements. It was overwhelming at times, but we were committed.”

Before diving into the world of restaurants, Michele had a distinguished career in academia as a professor and education specialist. Her work life was fast-paced and demanding, with her and her husband often leading separate, busy lives: “We were always rushing, with little time for family and the shift to owning a restaurant was a significant change in terms of our quality of family life.”

Michele found joy and fulfilment in her new role as she soon discovered that owning an Ocean Basket is not just about running a business; it’s about a complete lifestyle change: “We’ve integrated our love for hospitality into the restaurant. It’s an extension of the warmth and welcome we used to offer in our home.”

One of the most rewarding aspects of this journey has been the opportunity to work closely with her husband and children: “Our boys didn’t really understand what we did in our previous careers because they never saw us at work. Now, they see us in action every day, and it’s brought us closer as a family.”

Michele’s advice to aspiring franchisees is simple but sober: “If you’re considering this path, do your homework. Spend time in the restaurants, understand the demands, and go in with your eyes wide open. It’s a commitment, but it’s incredibly rewarding.”

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