Kota 6U7A9160

by Kyla Van Heerden

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serves 2


  • 1 large potato
  • 1 slice cheese
  • 1 loaf of bread (not sliced), cut in half and quartered lengthways
  • 2 Russian sausage
  • 1 slice of thinly sliced polony
  • 2 tablespoon atchar (depending on how much you want)
  • tomato sauce, mustard and burger sauce
  • salt and vinegar for the chips
  • enough oil for frying


  1. Peel, wash and dry the cut potatoes.
  2. Heat oil in a pot. Once hot, add the cut potatoes and fry for 10 to 12 minutes until they have softened but not browned. Remove them from the pot, drain and put aside.
  3. Fry the Russian sausages until cooked and golden brown; this should take around 5-8 minutes.
  4. Fry the chips again to get a crisp golden result. Place them in a bowl with a kitchen towel to help drain the oil. Season with salt and add vinegar, set aside.
  5. Using a bread knife, hollow out the quartered bread.
  6. Spoon the atchar onto the base of the loaf and spread gently. Place the polony, then chips, and sauces, top with cheese and Russian.
  7. Top with the bread that you cut out and serve.

TIP: You may add as much filling as you want. You can add egg, a burger patty, or bacon. You can also toast the bread.

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